My Strategies for Success

Openness to Experiences

My curiosity, adventurous character, and willingness to explore drives me to challenge myself and push boundaries. I embrace change and adapt quickly in dynamic environments. My comfort in unfamiliar territory means I am able to think outside of the box to fulfill a role where critical thinking and creativity are imperative.

Strong Work Ethic

More than just putting in long hours, I demonstrate dedication, commitment, and personal responsibility. My strong work ethic means I am intrinsically motivated to take pride in not only my work, but the work of my teammates as well. The payoff of hard work is great, but my preference is when the whole team succeeds.

Clear Communication

I like when complex ideas can be broken down into digestible bits. I believe doing this accurately is the cornerstone of effective communication and collaboration. Ensuring everyone is able to understand their tasks, along with where and how it fits inside of an aligned vision is paramount to success, and is a strategy I often practice.

Continuous Learning

I believe my thirst for learning is not only a strategy for success, but also a characteristic of my personality. I enjoy the constant pursuit of new knowledge and skills, both within and outside of my fields of expertise. This internal drive means that as a member of a team, I look forward to being both a lifelong mentee and mentor.

Technical Skillset


My first language. I like to use Python for its simplicity and versatility, although it's not always performative. I've used it for my first projects, such as my Coffee Machine Simulator.


C++ has helped me to gain an understanding of memory management and performance-intensive applications, used in my Class Roster program.


JavaScript has helped me employ creative, dynamic content for items like collapsable menus/navbars on my front end web projects, like this portolfio.


HTML serves as the foundational structure of my webpages, including this portfolio and my part-time business website, DynaMain Aerospace Inc.


CSS enabled the styling used on this portfolio, and also my business website, DynaMain Aerospace Inc., which was created with visual appeal in mind.


I am currently experimenting with SQL & MySQL to query, manipulate, and manage data in relational databases.

Visual Studio / Code

Visual Studio has been my go-to IDE for debugging, coding, and packaging in C++. VSCode is great for use with Python and my web-dev projects.

Git & GitHub

Learning Git has been fundamental to my version control software understanding. Combined with GitHub, I can collaborate and share my projects.

Linux / Command Line

Using Linux as my primary OS, paired with the Command Line, I've become a proficient Terminal user.


As the OS of my youth and second dual-boot option, Windows feels like home to me, even if I code with Linux today.


Investing in MacOS was a great choice to learn the seamless integration and reliability of apple and MacOS software.

MS Office

Including Word, Excel, OneNote, and more, office has always been my documents and productivity software of choice.

Career and Education

Future Software Engineer

Sept 2023 Onwards

I am currently a first-year Computer Science student, attending Western Governors University. After 5 years in the aviation maintenance field, I chose to enroll back in University to change my path going forward in order to pursue an interest that's truely important to me, tech. Working on some of the most advanced aircraft in the world, such as the Boeing 787, helped me realize that instead of just fixing these machines, I could instead contribute meaningfully to the creation of such projects that help define the modern world. So now, as of 2023, I am back in the educational setting, aiming to make an impact wherever possible.

As I pivot towards software engineering, I believe that my unique background sets me apart. The conscientious nature of aircraft maintenance and my past successes have ingrained in me a methodical approach and a passion for problem-solving and hard work. These qualities translate well into the world of software development as debugging and logical troubleshooting come natural to me.

As I seek an intern role in this new domain, I bring along not just technical proficiency, but also a proven track record of dedication and pursuit of excellence. I look forward to the opportunities that await, and I eagerly welcome the change in my career.

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

March 2017 - Present

In the world of aviation, precision, attention to detail, and a commitment to continuous learning are paramount. These principles have been my foundations during my time as an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. The highlights of my career have been receiving my professional licence during my 5 years at Air Canada, and recently starting my own part-time business, DynaMain Aerospace, to stay busy and expand my skillset during the beginnings of my Computer Science studies.

At Air Canada, I performed maintenance and technical operations on the aircraft fleet. I am endorsed and experience on the B767 and A320 family. This came with many responsibilities, including adhering to strict protocols, diagnosing and troubleshooting complex technical problems, and working collaboratively with diverse engineering and fleet management teams. This role instilled in me a deep appreciation for the interplay between sophisticated machinery and the software systems that drive them. It was here that I first recognized the incredible power of technology and its potential to transform industries.

Currently, at my own company, DynaMain Aerospace, I balance the roles of leadership and hands-on engineering. I use my AME licence to complete work orders for large maintenance facilities by inspecting, testing, documenting, and repairing aircraft and aircraft components and to certify the completion of work in accordance with the applicable engineering documentation. Most of my work encompasses 'heavy' maintenance, which means big projects with many team members. My past experience and knowledge usually provides me with the opportunity to take lead on many of these projects. This has honed my project management skills, as I've learned to juggle multiple priorities and develop eye for the bigger picture, while ensuring that every minute detail is accounted for.